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Pelco A1-KBD-3D-KIT2 Enhanced Keyboard and 3D Mouse Combination Kit



Pelco A1-KBD-3D-KIT2 Enhanced Keyboard and 3D Mouse Combination Kit
Enhanced Keyboard part number is Y-U0023-G910KBD; Enhanced Keyboard and 3D Mouse Combination Kit part number is A1-KBD-3D-KIT2
Enhanced 3D Mouse and Joystick part number is 3DX-600-3D MOUSE; Enhanced Keyboard and 3D Mouse Combination Kit part number is A1-KBD-3D-KIT2. The joystick on the Space Mouse Pro moves directionally and twists; each action performs a different function depending on your viewing mode. Press down on the joystick when in PTZ or Playback modes to
escape the current cell and navigate the workspace without exiting PTZ or Playback in the current cell.
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